Sunday, December 9, 2012

Does Neuroscience need a Newton?

This past weekend, I read an interesting piece in the New Yorker . It's another one of the current rash of pieces that are warning us (rightly!) to beware of neuro-hype. It references another recent piece in the New York Times , which referenced those fighting back against things like "How Creativity Works" (correct answer: it's very complicated and we don't know), and the ever-present fMRI studies hyped in the news (I've been guilty of a few of those, though I try very hard to be skeptical). Both pieces referenced the excellent Neuroskeptic and Neurocritic (though sadly, the NYT didn't give them the links they definitely deserve). And both pieces warned that neuroscience is more, and better than, the gee-whiz of " This is your brain on poker ".I particularly liked the New Yorker piece, for making clear the incredible complexity of the human brain. [More]

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