Saturday, March 28, 2020

Game 363: Ultima VII: The Black Gate

A deceptively pleasant introductory screen.
Ultima VII: The Black Gate
United States
ORIGIN Systems (developer and publisher)
Released in 1992 for DOS; 1994 for SNES
Forge of Virtue expansion released later in 1992 for DOS
Date Started: 20 March 2020

I first played Ultima VII in 1999. I had just purchased my first Windows laptop after 7 years of Mac-exclusive ownership, and I was ready to catch up on a decade of RPGs. I had staved off my addiction while serving in the Army Reserves, going to college, meeting my eventual wife, and starting my career, and it was best for all of those endeavors that I did. But life had settled down by then, and I was ready to take the risk.

The first two "new" RPGs that I played were Might and Magic VI and Ultima VII. ("New" being post-1990, when my Commodore 64 had died. By then, Ultima VII was 7 years old, of course, but I still think of it on the "new" side of the dividing line between "old" games and "new" games.) I had a similar reaction to each of them: initial distaste, followed by growing admiration, followed by absolute awe.
This may be the first CRPG with an expansion pack that takes place within the main quest.
But I still remember the reasons behind my initial reaction, and a few of them remain valid criticisms. I bought it as part of an Ultima anthology, so I would have played it after hitting Ultima IV-VI in quick succession. Compared to the small, crisp icons of the previous games, the Ultima VII characters seemed impossibly lanky and awkward. The creators must have taken to heart the criticisms of the tiny Ultima VI game window because they made the entire screen the game window--but then they zoomed it in so much that you still only see a tiny area.

They removed the ability to choose a character portrait, and I hated--still hate, really--the long blond-haired jerk that I'm forced to play. The guy looks like he's about 50, which doesn't bother me as much today as it did then. The typed keyword-based dialogue that I absolutely cherished had been replaced by clicking on words spoon-fed to you by the game. And then there was all the clicking! For the first time, the Ultima interface wasn't using my beloved keyboard shortcuts but instead wanted me to click around on things. I hate that now and I hated it more then, when the mouse was still new and uncomfortable.
I still find everything about this screen annoying.
Finally, there was the plot. 200 years have passed?! And all my old companions are still alive?! Who is this Red Thanos taunting me through the computer screen? And what in Lord British's name have they done to Lord British?!

This is all to say that I'm glad I'm not playing Ultima VII for the first time. This is a game that vastly benefits in a replay, at a point where I've accepted its weaknesses but also have a full understanding of its strengths. In fact, the position that I'm in right now--knowing that I'm in for a good game but not remembering much of it because I haven't played it in maybe 13 years--is just about perfect.

So let's back up and note all the things that the game does right, starting with the animated, voiced introduction, perfectly scored. The game opens on a pleasant scene of Britannia. A butterfly dances around a grassy hillside at the edge of a forest. There's a lilting tune with a timbre suggesting an organ but a melody suggesting more of a flute.
The first appearance of the Guardian.
But after a few seconds, the music fades and is replaced with an ominous, themeless tune in a low register. Black and blue static fill the screen. A red face with glowing yellow eyes and teeth like rocks pushes through the screen to address the player directly:
Avatar! Know that Britannia has entered into a new age of enlightenment. Know that the time has finally come for the one true Lord of Britannia to take his place at the head of his people. Under my guidance, Britannia will flourish, and all the people shall rejoice and pay homage to their new Guardian! Know that you, too, shall kneel before me, Avatar. You, too, shall soon acknowledge my authority, for I shall be your companion, your provider, and your master!
I would note that in contrast to the comically awful narrations at the beginning of both Ultima Underworld and Ultima VII: Part Two, the Guardian's voice is reasonably well-acted by Arthur DiBianca, who I gather was just a programmer who happened to have a nice bass voice. [Edit: I was wrong. The Guardian was voiced by a professional actor, Bill Johnson, who remained with the character for the rest of the series. He also played Leatherface in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.] The voice immediately gives us a paradox because the Guardian looks like an ape, an orc, a monster, yet his voice is clear, his speech intelligent and articulated. Just what kind of foe are we facing? One who knows who we are, who has the ability to push through into our world.

(Incidentally, having never played Ultima VIII or Ultima IX, I still don't really know the answers to the questions about the Guardian's origin and motivations. I know it'll be tough, but I'd appreciate if no one spoils it.)
As the screen fades, the camera pulls back to show that the player is somehow playing Ultima VII on his computer, with a map of Britannia and a Moonstone sitting beside it. No, it doesn't make sense. Don't think about it.
I can't not think about it. How is my character playing Ultima VII? Does he have his own character? How far down does it go?
"It has been a long time since your last visit to Britannia," the title screen says, two years constituting "a long time" back in those heady days of annual releases. The character picks up his moonstone and heads out to the circle of stones in his back yard--only to find a moongate already there. Without hesitation, he plunges through to the title screen, which features not the triumphant, adventurous introductory music of most RPGs but rather a dark, dreadful march in 2/4 time. Something awful is coming, it says.
I'm not sure this ever gets answered.
Before we get into character creation and the opening moments of the game, let's diverge to the manual, which is perhaps the most brilliant game manual of all time--a superlative unlikely to ever be broken now that game manuals no longer exist. It manages to educate the player on the basics of Britannia and the past Ultima games while perfectly serving the plot of the current game. It is the only manual that I know that was written by the game's villain. I realize that's a bit of a spoiler, but you'd have to be a particularly dense player to not realize that something is at least a little fishy with "Batlin of Britain," and a veteran player of the Ultima series reads it with an escalating horror.

The manual is called The Book of Fellowship, and it describes the history, geography, and society of Britannia in the context of the growth of a quasi-religious/philosophical order called the Fellowship. Jimmy Maher has a particularly excellent article examining the parallels between the Fellowship and the Church of Scientology. (Garriott had apparently read a 1991 Time magazine exposé of the Church while the game was in its planning phase.) But I also see a lot of the (then-) growing "prosperity gospel" in the Fellowship, and Batlin strikes me as much of a Joel Osteen (although no one at ORIGIN would have been aware of him in 1992) as an L. Ron Hubbard. One particular analogue with prosperity theology (and not Scientology) is the organization's "layered" approach to scripture. The Fellowship does not reject the Eight Virtues of the Avatar any more than prosperity theology rejects the Bible. It simply adds its own new layer of interpretation (simplification) on top of them, encouraging its followers to hold true to the past without really focusing on it. The emphasis is all on the new material--in the case of the Fellowship, their Triad of Inner Strength.

The manual begins with Batlin of Britain's introduction of himself. He presents himself with false humility as just a regular man, a fellow "traveller" through life, who has happened to stumble upon a bit of wisdom that he wants to share. Throughout his biography, he brags-without-bragging that he has served in all eight of the classical Ultima roles: Born and raised by druids in Yew, a first career as a fighter in Jhelom, then as a bard in Britain; trained by a mage from Moonglow; serving for a while among a company of paladins in Trinsic and as a tinker in Minoc; and finally spending a sojourn with the rangers of Skara Brae before ending up as a humble shepherd in New Magincia. His series of portraits through these sessions show a square-jawed, hale, charismatic figure, and it's no surprise when we actually meet him in-game to find a fatter, oilier version than is presented in the official portraits.
What kind of pretentious jackass divides his own biography into sections called "part the first" and "part the second"?
During his description of overcoming some wounds in Minoc, Batlin says:
A healer there told me that without the proper treatments (for which he charged outrageous prices) I would most probably die! I angrily sent him away. After a time I did mend. I had learned that the healing process takes place mostly in one's mind and have since placed no trust in healers who greedily prey upon the afflicted.
Here is our first actual contradiction with the world as we've come to know it as an Avatar. It manages to parallel Scientology's rejection of traditional psychology, sure, but also the Christian Science rejection of traditional medicine and perhaps "New Age" medicine in general.

He describes in his history how he met his two co-founders of the Fellowship, Elizabeth and Abraham (the "E.A." being an intended swipe at Electronic Arts, which would have the last laugh by purchasing ORIGIN the same year), and how his experiences led him to develop the Triad of Inner Strength. If the casual reader is not yet convinced of Batlin's villainy, it should become apparent in the section where he discusses the "ratification" of the Fellowship by Lord British. Though calling him "wise" and paying him obsequious homage, Batlin manages to paint the king as a capricious, dismissive sovereign, uninterested in the Fellowship until Batlin managed to "prove" himself with a display of confidence that manages to reflect the Fellowship's own philosophies. The section brilliantly manages to associate Batlin with the king and the king's favor (for those who still admire the king) while also planting a seed of doubt about Lord British's fitness to rule.

What he does to the Avatar is less subtle but far more damaging. Batlin knows that if his Fellowship is going to replace the Eight Virtues as Britannia's predominant theology, and if he himself is going to replace the Avatar as the spiritual figurehead, he must undo the Avatar. But the memory of the Avatar is too popular, his friends too influential, for Batlin to use a direct attack. Thus, he snipes and undermines and saps from all angles while pretending to admire the Avatar himself. "The Fellowship fully supports the Eight Virtues of the Avatar," he says, but that "it is impossible to perfectly live up to them. Even the Avatar was unable to do so continuously and consistently." Thus pretending to support the Eight Virtues while rejecting them, he introduces the Fellowship's Triad of Inner Strength:
  1. Strive for Unity: Work together to achieve common goals.
  2. Trust Thy Brother: Don't live your life full of suspicion and doubt.
  3. Worthiness Precedes Reward: Do good for its own sake before expecting compensation.
Maher's article points out how these three principles are not only kindergarten-level theology, but how easy it is to twist them towards evil ends. "Work together, don't question, don't ask anything in return" could be the motto of a fascist organization as easily as a charitable one.

Most of the slights against the Avatar occur during the second half of the manual, ominously titled "A Reinterpretation of the History of Britannia." Batlin walks through the events of Ultima I through VI much as the previous game manuals did, but with the occasional anti-Avatar salvo disguised as support. For instance, after describing the events of Ultima II, he says:
While there have been speculations as to the motivations of the Avatar, there is insufficient evidence to show that the Avatar was driven to violence by jealously over Mondain's romantic involvement with Minax. That being said, such theories are hereby denounced and should not be given consideration.
Soon afterwards, he "formally disagrees" with "those who say the Avatar should have handled [the events of Exodus] differently." He casts aspersions--no, sorry, alludes to other people casting aspersions--on the Avatar's motives in the Quest of the Avatar. As for Ultima VI: "Those who say that this terrible and destructive war could have been prevented had the Avatar not appropriated the Codex from its true owners are merely dissidents who are grossly misinformed." Leaving aside the fact that the Avatar wasn't the one who took the Codex, Batlin commits here the slimy politician's trick of introducing a slur while simultaneously denying it, thus seeding doubt while trying to remain above it. I've learned the hard way to at least try to keep politics out of my blog, but it's literally impossible not to think of Donald ("many people are saying") Trump when reviewing this aspect of the Batlin character or indeed the Batlin character as a whole. If I didn't say it here, someone would have filled in the blank in the comments as they did in the Maher article.

Aside from the undermining of the Eight Virtues, Lord British, and the Avatar, the manual is notable for numerous asides that make the veteran player eager to jump in and start swinging his sword. In his description of his time as a fighter, Batlin talks about "unruly lords wag[ing] war against each other . . . over Lord British's objections." Clearly, peace has broken down, but why? We later hear that Skara Brae is for some reason a "desolate ruin" (remind me to come back to another Batlin quote when I actually visit Skara Brae). Lock Lake near the city of Cove has become polluted. The town of Paws is said to be languishing in poverty. Some mysterious figure called the "Sultan of Spektran" has set up his own government on the island previously occupied by Sutek. The gargoyles have their own city, called Terfin, but there's a suggestion that local mines might be exploiting them for labor. Runic writing has fallen out of favor. There have been recent droughts. And worst of all, magic has been breaking down and its practitioners going insane.

Perhaps the biggest shock is that it has been 200 years since the Avatar last visited Britannia. This is presumably since his last visit in Ultima VI, not Ultima Underworld. The manual makes no acknowledgement at all of the events of Underworld; no mention is made of a colony on the Isle of the Avatar, nor its destruction in a volcanic eruption.

Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar still has the best quest of the series, in my opinion, but Ultima VII may have the best plot. This isn't the first time that a CRPG has featured writing and plotting worthy of a novel (I would probably give that award to Starflight), but it's still rare in the era. I understand that we owe this depth of narrative to lead writer Raymond Benson, who would later go on to take over the James Bond novel series. Benson was a playwright and composer who had previously worked on computer adaptations of Stephen King's The Mist (1985) and the James Bond games A View to a Kill (1985) and Goldfinger (1985). He was recruited by ORIGIN in 1991 and wrote some dialogue for Martian Dreams before beginning Ultima VII.

Someone like Benson was exactly what ORIGIN needed. The company may have "created worlds," but they always did so in a way that was both a little sloppy and a little too tidy, with poor respect for their own canon. I have discussed at length my disappointment over the way the game treated the concept of "the Avatar" after Ultima IV. Well, here, in the opening documentation of Ultima VII, we have an in-game character who personifies that lack of respect, who manages to take the confusion over ORIGIN's retcons--was the Avatar really the same hero who defeated Mondain?--and twist it to his own ends. When I finished the manual in 1999, I was never more eager to leap into a world and start putting things right. I am only slightly less eager now.

Note: To avoid loading transitions and other throwbacks to an earlier age, the developers of Ultima VII changed the way DOS allocates memory. Their solution required players to boot from a special disk. I remember that this created all kinds of problems when I originally tried to play the game in the late 1990s. Also, processors had gotten so much faster that the characters moved at lightning speed, and I had to use a special program called Mo'Slo to slow things down. I don't think I ever got the sound working properly back then. The emulation era and the folks at GOG sure make this much easier.

GaryCon Prep Update: Moathouse Tested! Heist On The Way!

Playtesting is now complete on my Rescue of Hommlet scenario. My friends Chris and Alex came over this past weekend to beat each other to a bloody stalemate (or mutual defeat, depending on how you look at it) and it was great fun!

But first.. picture time!


The final outcome for this run was all of Weal AND Woe's character/leaders dead. All of Woe's troops dead, but there were four ghouls left rampaging against the normal-men troops of Weal. They decided to GTF outta Dodge. So, technically, Woe was stopped from controlling the Moathouse (ghouls are just ... there.) but Weal paid a heavy price with almost all of the named/leveled characters from Hommlet dead.

Gloriously awesome fun. We had a daredevil mage, a thief who ran INTO the Moathouse building itself and promptly died, Woe looting the Ring of Invisibility from his corpse, an Ogre that died in one round, it was just glorious mayhem and great fun.

The good news is that the rules are tight. They flow well, we figured out the best way to deal with magic armor/weapons, everything felt like it really hinged on good tactics and some luck of the dice to either result in victory... or a messy finish.

I'm ready for GaryCon with this one!

I am lucky to have had enough interest that I can run two playtests of my "Heist of the Century" AD&D game. Tomorrow night, I'm going to watch the original "Italian Job" to get myself in the right frame of mind.

The nature of this game leads to far more roleplaying, investigative work and a lot of set up on my part to have the pieces ready for the players to find and do something with. That's the beauty and the X factor... this is all on them. I'm not driving this car, they are. I think, I hope... I've chosen the right template and module to emulate to make this work.

I've tried to remain somewhat vague about how I've put this together, because I don't want to give any spoilers away. Once GaryCon is over, I'll do a good review of that module and of how it went for me to put this all together. Who knows, maybe I'll get good at running heist adventures? I just need to survive this next week and see how it goes!

The GaryCon event registration period for Silver badge holders was ... pretty bad. I know that the official explanation leads to an architectural flaw in Tabletop.Event's setup, but it was pretty brutal. I've taken to calling it "The Battle of Tabletop Falls" (for TTE system falling down). I know I'm being charitable in the face of some people who are really pissed off. I can understand their frustration! Not many folks were able to register. Fortunately, it seems that if you were able to put tickets in your cart, you will still have them when they reopen registration. Folks are supposed to keep an eye on Facebook, Discord or the forum for updates. Here's hoping TTE gives GaryCon a HUGE discount!

Scrum In Review: How Did Legion Do?

My last post was about going with Legion out of the three factions I have available, and I went into the last Scrum of 2019 in South Jersey to give them a run.

Not So Minor Complications

Legion was one of the main factions I played in MK2 and I hadn't really played or bought much for them in MK3. Most notably I didn't own what is considered the staple of competitive Legion lists in the current meta: Chosen, Rotwings, and a ton of Incubi to play Kallus1.

I did however have a friend who owned a ton of Incubi and a second unit of Grotesque Raiders that I wanted to test out and he was playing Minions, so I was able to borrow some models for the Scrum.

That all said, the lists I ended up making were largely based on over thinking the meta while I was taking a vacation and it became immediately apparent when I started the scrum that some mistakes were made in list construction:

Kallus1 - Ravens of War
- Succubus
- Ravagore
- Ravagore
- Golab
- Naga
2x Grotesque Raiders
2x Grotesque Assassins
2x Hellmouths
Sorceress and Hellion

Fyanna 2 - Oracles of Annihilation
- Succubus
- Naga
- Scythean
- Seraph
- Neraph
- Neraph
2x Shepherds
Sorceress and Hellion
Full Hex Hunters + Bayal
Throne of Everblight

Vayl1 - Primal Terrors
- Ammok
- Blight Bringer
- Raek
Warmonger War Chief
Full Warmongers + Gorag
2x Full Warspears + Chieftain
2x Hellmouths

How did I do?

I started playing again after a few months off the game at the beginning of August, the Scrum started in September and ended this week. After it all, I went 3-2, though one game was a concession so while I technically have a winning record it's not completely based on my skill.

My only wins came from using Vayl1 of all the lists, and in both games I basically stole the win - I used a Blight Bringer shot plus Vayl to get two boosted spells into their caster and in both cases I got the assassination. In the first game it was vs. Morvana1 where I was able to get boosted blast damage and two spells into her due to a slight misplay by my opponent. In my last game vs Gearheart I actually got enabled by luckily landing a crit stationary off Hoarfrost and then rolling well on my boosted damage rolls.

In both wins my army got utterly demolished on attrition the turn before, and I was able to just pull the win out.

I lost round one in a challenge to my friend who lent me the Legion models. It was Fyanna2 vs. Maelock with 4 units of Posse and two Wrastlers. I basically needed to win the dice roll to go first and try to jam him out of scenario, otherwise none of my lists had the hitting power to get through his feat turn.  I lost the roll and the game spiraled out of my control, though honestly I was on my back foot the entire game.

Second round I played into Iona + Tharn for the first time ever with Kallus. I actually was able to hold the game off a bit due to some key dice rolls going against my opponent and then I had a massive attrition swing - only to have Iona come from downtown to get some Wolf Riders and Deathwolves into her feat range who could then get onto my caster.  Really fun game even though I lost it.

Overall Thoughts

Once I started playing without having a big PT backup list, things felt kind of rough. Having a Kallus1 list with Chosen would have really helped vs. the Gators, and I felt a bit down on my lists as I looked into each matchup it became apparent I was going to be dropping a sub-optimal Vayl1 list that ended up working out due to her always having pocket assassinations. I'm sure there are decent non-Chosen/Rotwing based lists in Legion to play, I just didn't make them for this event and work needs to be done to find them.

I really enjoyed playing in the Scrum again, seeing old faces, meeting new people, and getting to push models around just made me happy in general. I'm definitely looking forward to playing in next year's Scrums when I can.

Going Forward

October to December is a very busy time of year for me and my family due to birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays - so my gaming time is going to be limited and far more casual. There's no way I'm getting out to any tournaments, though I'm hoping to get casual games in at least every other week and hopefully doing an Oblivion Campaign play through.

Later this month the Void Archon comes out which completely changes how Convergence as a faction is going to be played, and their CID is just around the corner, so I'm excited to play them again.

That said, a local player I just met for the first time during the Scrum was selling his Legion and gave me a great deal on all the key models I didn't own: Chosen, Rotwings, and Incubi, so I actually have a lot more tools to make more competitive Legion lists going forward as well. There's a lot I want to explore, and it doesn't necessarily involve just playing the near ubiquitous Kallus1 Primal Terrors list.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Earning Trophies In Eternity

PS Trophies or XBox acheivements don't really do too much for me, I'm not that bothered about them for some reason. But I know that there are plenty of people out there who really are.

Sometimes it is fun reading up about the trophies that are out there for games, the crazy little
challenges that have been added on top of a game to add an extra layer of challenge or competition. One I read about a little while ago was the challenge added to FFIX to get Vivi to jump the skipping rope in Alexandria 1000 times! From my memory, doing it 100 times was a challenge enough! Looking over FFVII, there are some hardcore challenges- get Aeris' final limit break, obtain maximum Gil, beat Emerald and Ruby weapon.

All these trophies got me thinking about our Holy Faith.
Maybe there are heavenly trophies to be gained in life, and stored up in eternity?

Resisted impure temptation on 5th May 2016,
went to daily Mass every day for a year in 2017,
spoke to a random person about saving their immortal soul last Tuesday,
this morning got up an hour early to make a meditation.

What if we are earning trophies all the time and don't even know it? What if there are trophies out there that we will only find out about in eternity? I think there are you know, I think there are acheivements to be earned every day of our lives, this is when we use our free will to co-operate with His Holy grace and do great things for Him. These are the kinds of trophies I am interested in, because they really mean something and they truly last forever.

Having Platinum trophies for 100 games, that passes away, but the trophies of merit that we earn for eternity, they will NEVER fade away.

Rev 22:12- Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done.

1 Cor 3:8- Now he who plants and he who waters are one; but each will receive his own reward according to his own labor.

2 Tim 4:8- Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day--and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.

Matt 10:42- And whoever in the name of a disciple gives to one of these little ones even a cup of cold water to drink, truly I say to you, he shall not lose his reward.

What are you waiting for, through Christ, with Christ, in Christ, earn those trophies, build up a treasure for yourself in heaven! But remember, if you commit a mortal sin all those trophies get taken away from you, you disqualify from the race- but, praise God, they are returned when you make a good confession and return to God's friendship- He forgets your evil deed and returns all those trophies once more.

Praise be Jesus Christ, now and forever! We are more than conquerors through Him.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Download Tekken 6 Full Version For Pc

Download Tekken 6 Full Version For pc

Tekken 6 Full Review

Welcome to Tekken 6 is one of the best fighting game especially for fighting lovers that has been developed  and published by Bandai Namco Games.This game was released on 26th November 2007.


System Requirements of Tekken 6 For Windows PC

  • Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/ Windows 7 ( 64 Bit )
  • CPU: Intel Pentium 4 or later.
  • Setup Size: 700 MB
  • RAM: 1GB
  • Hard Disk Space: 1GB

Thursday, March 19, 2020

EA Cricket 2018 Download For Free Full Version

EA Cricket 2018 Download For Free Full Version


System Requirements Of Cricket 2018 Download Free

  • Tested on Window 7 64 Bit
  • Operating System: Window XP/ Vista/ Window 7/ Window 8 and 8.1/10
  • CPU: 2.0 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or later
  • RAM: 512 MB
  • Setup size: 1.1 GB
  • Hard Disk Space: 4 GB

Recent Questions Answered.

What is Mind Sports South Africa?
  • Mind Sports South Africa (MSSA) is a non-profit association that is the recognised national federation for board games, eSports, robotics and wargames. The MSSA is run purely by volunteers who are elected by the different member clubs at the Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting is always held at the South African National Championships. As the recognised controlling body, the MSSA is the only authority for its codes in South Africa and is the only body that may legally award provincial and national colours. Thus it is the only body that can legally select teams to represent South Africa in international competition.
What is the MSSA Inter-school league?
  • The league is designed to legally bring competitive esports into the school environment, in which schools pit their best players against other schools in order to determine the best school in the country as done for waterpolo, swimming, etc.
How does someone get their national colours for esports?
  • In order to get national colours for gaming, the gamer must first and foremost be registered as a member of a member club. Then, the gamer must participate in an accredited MSSA eSports event. However, participation alone is not enough. The gamer (and his team) must then finish in the top three, or the top twenty percent of teams in such event. Thus if there are six teams competing, the teams that finish in first, second and third places will qualify for trials. If there are twenty teams participating, then the top four will qualify, and if there are fifty teams participating, then the top ten will qualify for trials. When the Management Board has agreed to hold trials, all gamers who have so qualified are invited to participate. Then it it is at such Trials – which is always a LAN – that the team is selected.
How are the official games determined?
  • The member clubs of the MSSA are responsible for choosing the games to be played at all MSSA events on an annual basis. The way in which this is done, is that the games choice comes up for review by the cub-committee, and all member clubs are requested to furnish their choices. Of course the Management Board may add additional games if they are required by the international federation.
What are the most popular esports games locally?
  • Popularity of the games in general can only be answered by the publishers and the retailers. That is not what the MSSA looks at. The MSSA concentrates on competitive gaming and providing an outlet for competitive gamers. Thus, there may be a game that is fantastically popular among the gaming community, but because the game may not lend itself to competitive gaming, the MSSA may not cater for it. 
How has console gaming grown in the country in terms of esports?
  • Console gaming has a number of advantages in terms of esports. Because of its ease of access, lower cost, and standard systems, it has brought gaming to many who do not have the finances for computer gaming, and to many who do not have the know-how in terms of computer gaming. To start console gaming, all the gamer needs to do is 'plug and play'. Thus console gaming has made huge strides in attracting many new gamers to competitive esports who otherwise would have felt intimidated by the set up procedure. In the past three years, numbers of console gamers participating at MSSA events have doubled.
What's the best way to become a professional gamer in South Africa?
  • In order to become a professional gamer, my advice is to start while you are in school. The gamer must first develop a passion for the game and for competing while, at the same time learning to be part of a team. It is important for gamers to then train properly for the game. Simply playing does not equate to training. Training involves examining every aspect of the game and pushing it to the nth degree. Remember, that mistakes made in practice are often carried through into competition matches. Thus it is important to practice perfectly.... Once a gamer has earned provincial and national colours, the gamer would have been exposed to the international circuit. It is then that the gamer is ready to start thinking about becoming a professional. However, to be a professional, the gamer needs solid sponsorships and needs to be part of a team of like-minded individuals. Often the professional gamer will have to put gaming above all else in order to secure any form of sustainability as a professional gamer. It should be noted that the professional gamer would also have to register with the tax authorities as a professional as any income derived while being a professional would be taxed in his/her hands. Of course, any expenses directly related to conducting himself as a professional gamer would then also be able to be deducted.
Why the decision to send players to IeSF and not to other privately owned events?
  • For a start the costs involved are very different, but so are the visions off the privately owned events and IESF. The privately owned events belong to companies that are essentially in business to make a profit. On the other hand, IESF is an association not for gain that is attempting to get esports recognised as a fully-fledged sport. IESF is trying to get esports accepted by the highest authorities in international sport. As an association, all member federations are responsible for the running of IESF and making the decisions that will determine the future of both the IESF and of esports in general.  Thus IESF is more in line with the MSSA's own objectives, and the MSSA has a vested interest in making IESF work. However, that is not to say that the MSSA will not send a team to the other events if it can afford to do so. 
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Three Hexes 'Zine #3 - Modern/Sci Fi Campaigns

Just released on DriveThruRPG - Three Hexes 'Zine #3!

Not all campaigns are fantasy based and Three Hexes isn't just for fantasy. You can take the idea of starting with only three options and use it for any genre. This issue of the Three Hexes 'zine proves that.

There are campaign starters here from post-apocalyptic Earth to a Dyson Sphere to a "what if the Axis powers in WW2 developed super humans first?". Ride along with a German unit suddenly transported to a fantasy world, jump into political and extraterrestrial intrigue at discovering we were colonized 150,000 years ago and see what happens when the Windy City of Chicago becomes the center of an interstellar/extra-planar transportation system.

Here's what's included:
  • Mega-Sprawl 8 
  • The Plague Lands 
  • Fall Gelb Seltsam - Case Yellow Strange 
  • All This Has Happened Before 
  • The Resistance vs the Supers! 
  • Babel On 
  • The Mystery World At Beta Omega 8 
  • Wizards and the Windy City 
  • Notes and Rules 
With each rewritten/udpated Three Hex starter, I've included an extra, such as random tables, further idea prompts, an NPC or two and some factions for you to add to these starters.

PWYW! Three Hexes 'Zine #3

What are Three Hex campaign starters?
In 2018 - 2019, Michael "Chgowiz" Shorten wrote 52 blog posts using his "Three Hexes" format for campaign starters. The idea is that with just a theme, a homebase and three hexes, a Game Master can come up with a great campaign that players will want to play! With a post-a-week (or thereabouts), he created a wide variety of campaign starters for people to use, riff off of or fold/spindle/mutilate into there own game.

This PWYW 'zine series will take these posts and rewrite them, improving on the original post and adding new content - an NPC, item, plot element or even expanding on a location!

I am an affiliate with DTRPG and can earn a small amount if you choose to buy other titles from there. I appreciate your support!

Monday, March 16, 2020

I'm That Guy!

I am replaying Suikoden 2 at the moment, a game I last played back in something like 2001. I'm now playing it on PSN, purchasing it for something like $5.

 Funnily enough though, I actually owned the game back in 2001! The actual CD! FFVII basically took over my life when I was 11 years old and after completing it, and becoming obsessed with it, I started looking through my back copies of the Official Playstation Magazine to try and find some games that were like it in some way, part of this genre called "RPG" which I had never even known to have existed previously (I'm not sure I can be blamed for this either, because in the UK we hardly received any RPGs for consoles).

I made it my mission to check out the used sections of Electronic Boutique and the other second hand games shops near me (which included a shop called a record shop called Bebop and another which I think was called Games Express in Sutton, surrey).

 On one fateful day, I found it, Suikoden II, as I flicked through the boxes in Games Express. From what I remember, I think I payed an insignificant amount for the game, I certain don't remember having the save and go back, I'm guessing it must have been about £10. I took it home, I played the game through and I had a great time with it, it isn't too tricky and I completed it, getting the 'bad ending' the only ending I knew of at the time. And then I took it in a second hand game shop and sold it.

 I'm that guy! I had Suikoden II, now worth £150 on EBAY, and at points in the past worth even more. I have almost no recollection of exactly what I traded it in for. Sometimes I like to tell people I traded it in part exchange for Chrono Cross.... but I don't know for certain if that is true. I know I definitely got CC pretty soon after Suikoden II, but I don't know... another memory says I traded it in for Ergheiz (now worth as much as Suikoden II on EBAY! A game which I also traded in!), or possibly it was Destrega or Street Fighter Alpha 3. The thing I do remember though is that I was surprised at how much the store gave me for Suikoden II, I think it was £15 or something, more than I paid for it to begin with.... I think they got the recommended price out of a book.

 Anyway, I'm that guy, the guy that traded a super rare and expensive game in for almost nothing. But in all things Praise be Jesus Christ now and forever. Games are there for fun and recreation, and if we are really lucky, we can find something good and true and beautiful in them which can lead us to praise Him and bless Him and love Him more. Games aren't my life, my life is hid with Christ in God.

 I played a lot of great games back in the day, I owned and played almost every PS1 RPG released in the UK, and now I own Suikoden II once again on PSN, in all honesty I have no regrets that I sold it, but it makes a fun story. I am going to write a review on Suikoden II soon. There is a lot in this beautiful game which is genuinely inspirational and supportive of the truths of our holy faith.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Tech Book Face Off: Seven Concurrency Models In Seven Weeks Vs. CUDA By Example

Concurrency and parallelism are becoming more important by the day, as processor cores are becoming more numerous per CPU and more widespread in every type of computing device, while single core performance is stagnating. Something that used to be barely accessible to the average programmer is now becoming ubiquitous, which makes it even more pertinent to learn how to utilize all of these supercomputers effectively. Besides, parallel processing is a fascinating topic, and I think it's great that it is now so easy to experiment at home with things that used to be reserved for huge companies and university research departments. In order to become more proficient at programming in this way, I started with the book Seven Concurrency Models in Seven Weeks: When Threads Unravel by Paul Butcher for an overview of the current state of affairs in concurrent and parallel programming. Then I went for an introduction to CUDA programming for GPUs with CUDA by Example by Jason Sanders and Edward Kandrot. I've been looking forward to digging into these fascinating books for a while now, so let's see how they stack up.

Seven Concurrency Models in Seven Weeks front coverVS.CUDA By Example front cover

Seven Concurrency Models in Seven Weeks

I had previously enjoyed reading three other Seven in Seven Weeks books so I figured this one was an obvious choice for a solid book on concurrency, and that hunch held true. Butcher gives an excellent tour of the current state of concurrency and parallelism in the software development world, and he does it with a compelling story that builds up from the foundations of concurrency to the modern state-of-the-art services available for Big Data processing, at least circa 2014.

The main rationale for paying more attention to concurrency and parallelism is that that is where the hardware is taking us. As Butcher argues in the introduction:
The primary driver behind this resurgence of interest is what's become known as the "multicore crisis." Moore's law continues to deliver more transistors per chip, but instead of those transistors being used to make a single CPU faster, we're seeing computers with more and more cores.
As Herb Sutter said, "The free lunch is over." You can no longer make your code run faster by simply waiting for faster hardware. These days if you need more performance, you need to exploit multiple cores, and that means exploiting parallelism.
So if we're going to take advantage of all of these multiplying cores, we'd better figure out how to handle doing multiple things at once in our programs.

Our concurrency story begins with the little things. The first week focuses on the fundamentals of concurrency: threads and locks. Each week is split into three days, each day building on the day before, with the intention of being able to learn and experiment with the chapter's contents over a weekend. This first week on threads and locks is not meant to show the reader how to do modern parallel programming with threads, but to give a foundation of understanding for the higher-level concepts that come later. Threads are notoriously difficult to use without corrupting program state and crashing programs, and locks are a necessary evil that can help solve those corruption problems but have problems of their own, like deadlocks and livelocks. These problems are especially insidious because they're most often invisible, as Butcher warns:
To my mind, what makes multithreaded programming difficult is not that writing it is hard, but that testing it is hard. It's not the pitfalls that you can fall into; it's the fact that you don't necessarily know whether you've fallen into one of them. 
The first concurrency model gives us a view into that abyss, but then pulls back and moves on to better alternatives right away. The first better model turns out to be an old programming paradigm that has recently become more and more popular: functional programming. One of the biggest problems with programming languages like C or Java is that they have mutable state. That means most of their data structures and variables can and do change by default. Functional languages, on the other hand, default to immutable data structures that don't have the same problems when sharing state across threads.

The next model goes into detail about how one functional language, Clojure, uses the basic advantages of immutable state by separating identity and state. The identity of a data structure is what that data structure is inherently, like a list of names. It doesn't change. The state, which specific names are in the list, can change over time, and a persistent data structure in Clojure will guarantee that if the state changes for one thread, it will not change for other threads unless that state is explicitly passed from one thread to another. This separation of identity and state is accomplished by atoms and agents, but we don't have time to get into the specifics here. It's in the book.

After Clojure, we move on to Elixir, another functional language that takes a different approach to parallelism. Instead of threads, Elixir has extremely lightweight processes that can be used to make highly reliable applications out of unreliable components. The perspective to take when programming in Elixir is to design the application so that individual processes are not critical and can fail. Then instead of trying to do thorough error checking, we can just let them crash and depend on the system to recover and restart them. This approach makes for incredibly reliable systems, and with Elixir running on the Erlang VM, it has a solid foundation for bulletproof systems.

With the next model, we come back to Clojure to explore communicating sequential processes (CSP). Instead of making the endpoints in a message the important thing, CSP concentrates on the communication channel between the endpoints. In Clojure this is implemented with Go Blocks, and it's an intriguing change to the normal way of thinking about message passing between threads or processes.

What are we at now, the sixth model? This model steps outside of the CPU and takes a look at the other supercomputer in your PC, the massively parallel GPU. This chapter was a little too short for the subject to get a great understanding of what was going on, but it does use OpenCL for some simple word-counting applications that run on the GPU. It was neat to see how it works, but it was a lot of boilerplate code that was pretty opaque to me. I'm hoping the other book in this face-off will shed much more light on how to do GPU programming.

The final model takes us into the stratosphere with serious Big Data processing using Hadoop and Storm, frameworks that enable massively parallel data processing on large compute clusters. It was surprising to see how little code was needed to get a program up and running on such an industrial strength framework. Granted, the program was a simple one, but thinking about what the framework accomplishes is pretty intense.

That brings us to the end of the tour of concurrency models. The breadth of topics covered was exceptional, and the book flowed quite nicely. Butcher's explanations were clear, and he did an excellent job covering a wide-ranging, complex topic in a concise 300 pages. If you're looking for an overview of what's out there today in the way of concurrent and parallel programming, this is definitely the book to start you on that journey.

CUDA by Example

CUDA used to be an acronym that stood for Compute Unified Device Architecture, but Nvidia, it's creator, rightly decided that such a definition was silly and stopped using it. Now CUDA is just CUDA, and it refers to a programming platform used to turn your Nvidia graphics card into a massively parallel supercomputer. This book takes the reader through how to write this code using the CUDA libraries for your very own graphics card. It does a fairly decent job at this task.

The first chapter starts out with a bit of history on the graphics processing unit (GPU) and why we would need a general-purpose platform such as CUDA for doing computations on it. The short answer is that the prior situation was dire. The longer answer is as follows:
The general approach in the early days of GPU computing was extraordinarily convoluted. Because standard graphics APIs such as OpenGL and DirectX were still the only way to interact with a GPU, any attempt to perform arbitrary computations on a GPU would still be subject to the constraints of programming within a graphics API. Because of this, researchers explored general-purpose computation through graphics APIs by trying to make their problems appear to the GPU to be traditional rendering.
Suffice it to say, people were not particularly satisfied shoehorning  their algorithms into the GPU through graphics programming, so CUDA and OpenCL were a welcome development.

The next chapter goes through how to get everything ready on your computer in order to start writing and running CUDA code, and the chapter after that finally unveils the first program to run on the GPU. It's not exciting, just the standard "Hello, World!" program, but this example does introduce some of the special syntax and keywords that are used in CUDA programming.

Chapter 4 is where the real fun begins. We get to run an honest-to-goodness parallel program on the GPU. It's still simple in that it's only summing two vectors together element by element, but it's doing the calculation with each pair of elements in its own thread. Each thread gets assigned to its own resource on the GPU, so theoretically, if the GPU had at least as many compute resources as there are pairs of elements, all of the additions would happen simultaneously. It may not seem quite right to use compute resources in this way since we're so used to programming on much more serial CPUs, but the GPU hardware is designed specifically to do thousands of small calculations in parallel in a highly efficient manner. It's definitely a programming paradigm shift.

After another more interesting example of calculating and displaying the Julia Set, a kind of fractal set of numbers, the next chapter follows up with how to synchronize these thousands of threads in calculations that aren't completely parallel. The example here is the dot product calculation, and this example ends up getting used multiple times throughout the rest of the book. So far the examples have been unique, but they'll start to get reused from here on, partly in order to not need to keep introducing more new algorithms for each example.

The next couple chapters discuss the different types of memory available in a GPU. A small amount of constant memory is there to hold values that are, well, constant, for fast access instead of needing to keep fetching those unchanging values from main memory or having them fill up the cache unnecessarily. Then there's texture memory available for optimized 2-D memory accesses, which are common in certain algorithms that operate on neighboring memory locations in two dimensions instead of the normal one dimension of vector calculations.

Chapter 8 discusses how to combine the use of the GPU as both a CUDA processor and a graphics processor without needing to copy buffers back and forth to the host memory. Actually, a lot of CUDA programming is optimized by thinking about how best to use the memory resources available. There are now at least three more memories to consider: the GPU main memory, constant memory, and texture memory, in addition to the normal system memory attached to the CPU we're used to thinking about. The options have multiplied, and it's important to use both the CPU and GPU efficiently to get the best performance.

We're nearing the end now, with chapters on using atomics to maintain memory consistency when multiple threads are accessing the same locations, using streams to more fully utilize a GPU's resources, and using multiple GPUs to their full potential, if your system is blessed with more than one GPU. By this point much of the content is starting to feel redundant, with incremental features being added to the mix and most of the examples and explanations of the code being copies of previous examples with minor tweaks for the new features.

The last chapter is a review of what was covered in the book, some recommendations of more resources to learn from, and a quick tour of the debugging tools available for CUDA. While overall this book was fairly good for learning how to do massively parallel programming with CUDA, and I certainly enjoyed coming up to speed with this exciting and powerful technology, the second half of the book especially felt drawn out and repetitive. The explanations got to be too verbose, and frankly, the cringe-worthy sense of humor couldn't carry the redundancy through. The book could have easily been half as long without losing much, although the pace was certainly easy to keep up with. I never struggled to understand anything, and that's always a plus. I've got a couple other CUDA books that may be better, but CUDA by Example is sufficient to learn the ropes in a pinch.

Of these two books, Seven Concurrency Models in Seven Weeks was the more wide-ranging and enlightening book. It gave a wonderful overview of the landscape for concurrent and parallel programming, even though it couldn't go into enough depth on any one topic to do it justice or allow the reader to competently start working in that area. Like all of the Seven in Seven books, its purpose is not to make the reader an expert, but to provide enough information to give the reader a fighting chance at making their own decision on a path. Then, the reader can follow that path further with a more specialized book. CUDA by Example is one such specialized book, although it was somewhat light on the real details of GPU programming. As an introductory book, it was adequate, but I'm hoping the next couple of books I read on GPU programming will have more substance. In any case parallel programming is growing in importance, and it's exciting to be able to play around with it on consumer-grade hardware today.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

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