Saturday, March 30, 2013

Neurosurgery Blog Apps (iPad, iPhone and Android)


The Neurosurgery Blog group is developing a series of apps dedicated to medicine and more specifically neuroscience.
This is a space created to divulge our apps. You can found more information about than by clicking in the apps logos.
Let us know about your opinion, critics, suggestions or ideas in the “Contact us” space. With your help we may improve the apps you adquired and create new ones!
We hope you enjoy!
More apps are coming soon!
Now we have more than 14,000 downloads in more than 120 countries !

Captura de Tela 2013-02-17 às 06.01.31
© 2009-2013 Distimo B.V.

Neurosurgery Blog iOS (click here)
Neurosurgery Blog app  Android (Click Here)

Traumatic Brain Injury (Click here)iPad and iPhone
Traumatismo Cranio-encefalico (Click here) iPad and iPhone
Traumatic Brain Injury (Click here) Android
Traumatismo Cranio-encefalico (Click here) Android

Hedache apps (Click here) iPad and iPhone
Dor de cabeça ( Click here) iPad and iPhone
Hedache apps (Click here) Android 
Dor de cabeça ( Click here) Android

Neuroexame (click here) Portuguese Only iPad and iPhone

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Neuro Exam App iOS ( Only English and Spanish)


Neurointensive Care (APPSTORE CLICK HERE English/Portuguese)

Neurointensive Care (English and Portuguese ANDROID) CLICK HERE

 Epilepsia App (portuguese and English) CLICK HERE iOS

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Neuroinfect App ( Portuguese and English) Click here Android
Neuroinfect App ( Portuguese and English) Click here iOS

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Craniotomy (Portuguese and English) CLICK HERE Android
Craniotomy (Portuguese and English) CLICK HERE  iOS ( COME SOON)


Anamnesis (English) Click Here iPad and iPhone
Anamnese (Portuguese) Click Here iPad and iPhone

Sus para concursos (click here) Portuguese Only iPad and iPhone 
Sus para concursos (click here) Portuguese Only  Android

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