Thursday, February 20, 2020

Dispel, Short Film, Review And Interview

Dispel is a story with a lot of impact. There is the battle as summed up in the synopsis, but there is more. This is fight told on different levels as Lizzie fights for her mother using imagination and her love.

Dispel was screened at the 2019 FilmQuest film festival (website). It was nominated for Best Fantasy Short, Best Screenplay (Kylie Eaton), and Best Score.

Synopsis: When young Lizzie learns her older brother is moving out, she realizes she will be left home alone with her monster of a mother. Armed with the lessons of her favorite TV show, 'Celeste Skygoode,' Lizzie battles to save her mother from the dark forces that have transformed her.

Kylie Eaton wrote and directed Dispel. She was kind enough to share some thoughts about her film and what other projects she is looking forward to. She also shared what her inspiration was for getting into filmmaking.

What was the inspiration for your Dispel?

DISPEL came to life when two ideas collided to make one greater idea. I wanted to tell a story about a young girl dealing with difficulties at home, as well as honour the impact that sci-fi and fantasy films had in my childhood.

Film can be used as a way of projecting our worries or desires onto a physical form, especially in a genre package. I want to tell honest, emotional stories in this way. There's also so much to unexplored in those worlds when it comes to women, such as mother-daughter relationships, sisterhood, and female friendships.

I'm proud that, together with the cast and crew, we were able to create something that has a deep story, but also honours the fantasy and sci-fi themes that I love so much.


What project(s) do you have coming up you're excited about?

I'm finishing up rewrites on the sci-fi feature that landed me as a finalist in the ScreenCraft competition, and I'm in post-production on a new science fantasy short. Keep an eye out for more details coming soon. I've got some feature ideas bubbling away in me as well. Once things have calmed down around the DISPEL premiere, I've got new worlds to explore and bring to life.

What was your early inspiration for pursuing a career in film?

Early in life, I was influenced by Peter Jackson, Tim Burton, Mimi Leder, and JJ Abrams, but most of all by Steven Spielberg. Telling stories through the eyes of a teenager, that can also resonate with adult viewers, is something Steven Spielberg does incredibly well.

After attending Chapman film school, I started work in post-production with a focus on editing. I began as a director for music videos, which is a great way to learn visual storytelling, constructing a narrative without dialogue or professional actors. I was the main editor on 2017 short film, Girl Meets Roach, and learnt the craft of directing from behind the scenes. I've always been a fan of sci-fi and fantasy, so I decided to create a few experimental shorts in this genre first, before moving onto wider narrative.

I'm enthusiastic about the entire filmmaking process—whether that's being on-set, post-production, or helping to promote the film after it's released.

What would be your dream project?

My goal is to one day direct a big-budget studio sci-fi or fantasy film. Having the time and money to really delve deep into the world building and mythology of a story is so enticing to me. I love the spectacle of film. Of course, I always want to keep it rooted in the stories and characters. But there's something so unique to film's ability to transport viewers to a completely different dimension. Doing that on a large scale is absolutely my dream project.

What are some of your favorite pastimes when not working on a movie?

I love working, so I'm always trying to find a balance. Some things I enjoy are yoga and meditation, reading, and playing board games. I also recently started horseback riding—and now I'm dreaming of making a western!

What is one of your favorite movies and why?

This is the most stressful question you can ask a filmmaker! I love so many films, and I learn so much from every movie that I watch. Spielberg was a huge influence on me growing up, and there's something that just endures about all of his films. E.T. stands out to me as a film that works for children and adults, has a real emotional story at the center, and tackles some big ideas while still giving us the icon imagery of Elliot flying on his bike with E.T. It's the kind of film I would love to make. Also, Star Wars will always hold a special place in my heart.

You can find out more about Dispel on UMDb (link).

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